16 May 2009

OK. ATI's OpenGL drivers suck, like the legend says.

Why does
for(int i=0; i«nstrips; ++i)
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, (GLsizei)count[i], GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (const void*)indices[i]);

work, and
glMultiDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, (const GLsizei*)count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (const void**)indices, nstrips);


xernobyl @ 02:59


14 May 2009

algorithmics of life

Worse than not understanding why it doesn't work is not unterstanding why it works.
Use the force? It has to be there. Some uncontrolable part of me tells me that I should do this, while I try to think why I am doing that. Because that should work and not this.
So much work to reinvent the wheel. But I like to think that I'm working on ball bearings. Sounds a lot better, no?
I guess it's that time of the year when I should watch The Meaning of Life again.

xernobyl @ 02:03


06 May 2009


Some days ago I found out that there is a surprisingly small amount of search results at google when you search for stuff related to OpenGL vertex buffers, and half floats. Well, they work. I supose that's all you need to know about it if you're interested.

The work with scenept.untergrund.net keeps progressing slowly. That's just because coding php is boring. I spend more time trying to find out why stuff is working istead of not working like in a regular programming language. Seriously. Why are there so many hidden (???) variables in bbpress's code? Why don't most functions simply return values instead of using secret variables?


xernobyl @ 03:41