09 March 2009

Day: type 7.

Today it's one of those strange days when I wake up relativly early, I go run for a few minutes, I shave, I dress some clean clothes - not the usual top of the drawer stuff - and I put some goo on my hair after having a bath.

xernobyl @ 13:56


01 March 2009

There's something special about it.

Something about listening Joy Division in a dark room, lighten by a single candle, while lying in a corner in front of my hot steamy green tea makes me feel calm and relaxed.
I feel like I'm elsewhere.
Away from everything else. Just me surounded by Martin Hannett's engineering. In front of a tasty cloud of green tea.

P.S.: It may also work with Philip Glass or some noise in special ocasions.

xernobyl @ 22:27